Would it adjust itself to my mercenary ways, start to reveal new pathways – perhaps something like Skyrim’s Dark Brotherhood recruiting me to their gang? Or would I simply shut down all the interesting routes, failing too many quests and closing off chains that would let my character properly develop? What I wasn’t expecting was for the game to simply not cope. My goal in setting forth on a murderous rampage through Fallout 4 was to see how the game would react to it. In part one I successfully took out the Brotherhood Of Steel's small enclave in Cambridge.

As you might imagine, that means this contains spoilers from the off. Knowing Bethesda's propensity for adjusting to a player's approach, I wondered if this might bring out aspects of the game missed by the goodie-two-shoes reviewers before me. Just killing indiscriminately, to see what might happen. I've decided to play Fallout 4 as a complete prick.